Water – the transformative power of gravity
4 Videos - runtime 32 min.
Course held by Gabriele Musebrink
(with english subtitles)
Gabriele Musebrink in her video “Water – the transformative power of gravity” from the master class series “Steinzeichen” (stone signs). Again, you will be working on a large canvas, starting with applying a base coat you have made yourself. Then, as always, structural materials will be applied. Again, this work is characterized by interesting areas made up of different materials.
In this video, red sand, Kassler brown pigment, ink and hematite sand determine the color scheme. You will learn how to apply color by blowing pigment, spraying paint and letting paint run, thus achieving a balanced composition. The color application will be predominantly liquid and very transparent. Once again, you will determine yourself how many layers will be necessary in your work.
The crowning glory of this work will be adding a line with lime putty paint in a gestural movement. Keep in mind that the quality of such a work is determined by the quality of the structured surfaces and of the paint applications. Observe what is happening throughout the work process. Reflect on what you have done and what has changed as a result.
Once again, Gabriele Musebrink describes her process in detail and presents it very comprehensibly, making this third stone signs course another highlight for all of her fans.
This course contains step-by-step instructions and photo documentation of the most important work steps as additional learning material.
geistreich / sharpen your mind, expand your imagination
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