Desert landscape
5 Videos - runtime 43 min.
Course held by Christina Jehne
(with english subtitles)
In this online tutorial, we are going to create a medium-sized, non-representational painting. You will be working with self-made putties. Acrylic and Airbrush paints also play a major role.
In the demonstration, the underpainting on the canvas is blue. This color was chosen spontaneously by the artist, depending on her mood. The paintings of Christina Jehne remind the viewer of colorful satellite photos. They may also resemble photos taken from the perspective of an airplane. They present desert landscapes in their unexpected variety of colors. Christina Jehne loves this special natural space and visits deserts all over the world regularly.
The putties are transferred onto the canvas by using a palette knife or a painting knife. The layers are relatively thick, which results in cracks in the surfaces once the putty has fully dried. Each crack will look slightly different. This is the desired effect. The cracks create a 3D effect and give an object-like character to the painting.
In the next step, the textured areas will be painted with white paint. It is important that the paint is added as a glaze. This creates a connection between the individual textured areas and lays a base for the first light-dark contrasts. Christina Jehne is fully immersed in color and movement. Skillfully and with ease, she is letting the rich colors flow across the sandy desert textures. She is moving in a space defined by being grounded in her practice and encountering flowing coincidences. However, without losing sight of the concept for this art piece.
People who enjoy compact, colorful mixed media paintings has come to the right online tutorial.
Additional learning material includes a detailed step-by-step download guide.
This tutorial is suitable for students of all experience levels.
geistreich / sharpen your mind, expand your imagination
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