An enchanted forest in ink and acrylics
6 videos - runtime 58 min.
Course held by Era Freidzon
(with english subtitles)
Incl. Step-by-step instructions
With a lot of artistic freedom but also with controlled phases on a medium sized canvas. A painterly work with graphic elements and an expressive style. The methylated spirit creates mysterious streaks between the transparent layers of paint. Transparent layers create spatial depth. Liquid and dry paint applications alternate in the painting process.
When painting further layers on top of the underpainting the focus is on contrasts: Cold-warm contrasts, light-dark contrasts, size contrasts, contrasts in the style and application of paint (transparent/opaque). In addition, contrasts between shapes and lines, between the random and the controlled, between quiet and lively areas.
From the materials list
- Photos or printouts
- Canvas 70 x 100 cm (27.6 x 39.4 inches)
- Acrylics – gray, white, sand, blue
- Acrylic emulsion
- Water spray bottle
- Ink – white, black, ochre, sanguine
- Pipettes
- Methylated spirits or alcohol
- Various flat brushes
One or more photos of trees provide orientation, serve as inspiration and facilitate the start. This method can be used quickly (short drying times) and with little material (acrylic paints and inks). It is also very suitable for beginners.
This course helps you to develop your own pictorial ideas, for example from photos. The focus is on finding those ideas rather than on the handling of the materials. The material used is easy to handle and leads to results very quickly.
Perhaps the greatest challenge is the mixing of the different color nuances for your very own enchanted forest. Color straight from the tube is a taboo for Era Freidzon.
geistreich / sharpen your mind, expand your imagination
Erweitern Sie Ihre Vorstellungskraft und Kreativität mit den Online-Kunstkursen der Geistreich Akademie, die seit 2009 Expertise im Bereich der expressiven Malerei bieten. Unsere Kurse kombinieren künstlerische Ausbildung mit praxisorientierten Methoden und fördern nicht nur die kreative Entfaltung, sondern auch Resilienz und emotionales Gleichgewicht. Ideal für Teambuilding und die persönliche Entwicklung, richten sich unsere Angebote an alle Altersgruppen und Berufsgruppen in unserer digitalen Welt. Verbessern Sie Ihre kreativen Fähigkeiten in einem unterstützenden, kreativen Umfeld und stärken Sie gleichzeitig Ihre Resilienz.